Pedigree of Mary Markley
Markley is not the original family name, it was Mucklin. For some reason, it has been changed by Deed Poll to Markley at some time before Census 1901.
The surname Mucklin can in turn traced back to Muckley, which may be - according to The Internet Surname Database - of Anglo-Saxon origin, as an English locational name from "Muckley", a hamlet near Much Wenlock in Shropshire. The placename itself derives from the Olde English pre 7th Century personal names "Mucel" from "micel", large or "Mucca" and the Olde English "leah", a wood or glade, often found as "ley". The name is however more likely to be Irish, and is the Anglicized form of the Gaelic "O'Maolchluiche", composed of the Gaelic prefix "O", male descendant of, and a Gaelic personal name composed of "mal", chief or "maol", devotee and "cluiche", game. This was originally a Co. Sligo name which gave its name to Inishmulclahy; it is now mainly found in Munster as Mulcahy, Mulclahy and Mulclohy.
This chart shows first five generations of Mary Markley's family.